An evening, online & meditative class
The class Unwinding from the day | Meditation Techniques and Yoga Nidra offers a holistic experience of physical relaxation, balancing and mental self-awareness, using yoga and energy psychology techniques as basic tools:
- meditation & Yoga Nidra
- visualizations
- mindful breathing
- positive statements
- tratak
- pratipaksha bhavana
- storytelling
- methods of energy psychology such as EFT, acupressure with intention, body postures and movements to reprogram the mind, etc

Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra as a method was discovered by Swami Satyananda when, while working as a night watchman in a Sanskrit school, he realized that while he slept, the Vedas recited by the students of the school were recorded in his memory. Yoga Nidra means waking sleep or conscious sleep and is a practice of deep relaxation but also a state of consciousness.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra
By following instructions to journey around the body, through breathing techniques and visualizations, the mind quiets as it gradually empties of thoughts, the body rests and releases its muscular tensions, and the subconscious mind clears the records and experiences of the day.
One of the main benefits of this practice is that as the mind follows the instructions and monitors the pathways and sensations in the body, it pauses from its excessive activity and disconnects from thoughts. This disassociation gives it the freedom and space to control its thoughts and choose how to react to events.
It is said that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 3 hours of sleep, but the difference is that the mind remains alert and the brain frequency it enters is the highest frequency of receptivity. In this state, the mind can be directed to accomplish anything. The practitioner enters the deepest, most intangible and subtle level of his being where the formless can take any form through sankalpa, intention, and thus plant the seed in his subconscious mind to bring about the change he desires in his life.

Energy psychology
Energy psychology (or Cognitive Body Practice) combines methods of cognitive psychology with somatic techniques that affect the bioenergy systems of human beings (meridians, chakras, acupuncture points, aura etc.) in order to release negative emotions, recordings and experiences from the psychosomatic substance of the individual and to achieve inner harmony and joy.