Mantra Chanting and Havan
We invite you on Sunday 3 March at 19:00 to a beautiful fire ceremony (Havan) and the recitation of the Mahamritunjaya Mantra.
Havan is an ancient ceremony revived by Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati. It includes the use of fire, the offering of healing herbs (samagri), Sanskrit mantras, and the practitioner’s intention. In a broader context, it aims at purification, evolution and harmony on all levels.
Reciting the mantras causes very strong vibrations which with repetition are magnified making the mantras highly transformative. The Mahamritunjaya Mantra that we will recite in this particular Havan, is an ancient and very powerful healing mantra. It is recited in order to strengthen our physical, mental and emotional health and that of those around us.
Swami Satyananda started the Mahamritunjaya Mantra Havan in April 1986 to commemorate the 100th birthday of his guru Swami Sivananda and his teachings on yoga as a way to develop physical and mental health, prosperity and peace in life. From then until today, the Mahamritunjaya Mantra is recited every Saturday by ashrams and yoga practitioners.
The practice will be guided by Athanasios Baxevanos Ramdarshi and Anastasia Biliri Antaratma.
I am giving you a guarantee that if you do it (Mahamritunjaya Mantra) with intensity of focus, willpower, purity of heart and feeling, there is no question that the health and healing will be provided, whether for yourself or for others.
Swami Satyananda