Nada Yoga Workshop with Swami Savikalpa

We are delighted to host the wonderful Swami Savikalpa at Neda Yoga Shala on Saturday 4th February in the evening for a Sound Yoga workshop!

A few words from Swami Savikalpa:

The ancient yogic texts state that everything in Nature has its vibration, and everything around us has its frequency. Plants have their frequency, every living organism has its frequency, and every stone has its frequency. Our body and every organ, tissue, and cell vibrate at a certain frequency. Our thoughts create vibrations… the physical world is an expression of energy vibrating at a certain frequency. We are all moving within the sea of different vibrations around us and within us. Quantum physics states the same.

Nada yoga is a branch of yoga that teaches us how to recognize, understand and utilize different vibrations to come closer to balance harmony, and equilibrium on physical, mental, emotional, and pranic levels.

In this seminar, we will explore different practices of nada yoga and how we can apply this knowledge in our own lives. In other words, we are going to learn how to become more sensitive to vibrations and how to change our vibrations to bring health, mental peace, and balanced emotional expression. The seminar includes mantra, asanas, pranayama and meditation related to Nada Yoga, as well as swara sadhana (meditation on chakras with sound). Many of the practices will be accompanied by an Indian harmonium.

The seminar will be instructed by Swami Savikalpa, a very sincere yoga practitioner who has spent over 25 years in Satyananda Ashram and she was initiated into Poorna sannyasa. With 30 years of experience in yoga, she is one of the best instructors we could have to guide us deeply into this experience.

No previous experience is required.