Open online presentation Yin Yoga Teacher Training

We invite you to the Open Online Presentation of the Level 2 (70 hours) of the Certified** Yin Yoga Teacher Training (200 hours).

In "Yin Chakra Therapy" we are introduced for the first time to an innovative approach to the Yin Yoga system, through authentic Yin sequences and meditative exercises, in order to deeply purify the emotional content of the eight (8) basic Chakras - Butha Suddhi.

We delve into a new therapeutic approach to Yin, addressing the release of our physical and emotional limitations, applying methods and techniques to support teachers/instructors in their personal practice process, as well as guiding their students in a safe and gradual manner.

Recognizing your inherent desire for learning, self-improvement and connection to spirituality, this session gives you the opportunity to ask anything you need about teaching Yin Chakra Therapy, which will begin this February at Neda Yoga Shala.

What do you need to know about this Level? How will it help you? What do you wish to learn about this particular teaching? What are your thoughts on your mind? Or what questions do you have? We are here to help you in the best possible way.

➸ For more information about the Yin Yoga Teacher Training click here.

** The curriculum is approved by Yoga Alliance International (Y.A.I 200 hrs).


Maria Levantinou

Mental Health Councelor in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Yin Yoga Teacher Training, I. Taoism, Anatomy and Sequencing, II. Embracing the Yin Path and III. Storytelling, Bahiranga Yoga Therapy Instructor Course, Nada Yoga Training, Instructor trained in Hatha Yoga following the Satyananda System, Personal Student of Diane Long, Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten, Mphil in Aesthetic Philosophy, BA in Theatre Studies.

More about Maria:

Michalis Mourtzis MD (A.M.)

Michalis Mourtzis is an alternative healer, Doctor of Medicine in Alternative Medicines, MD (A.M.) and holds a degree in counselling and psychotherapy. He has studied and practices somatic psychotherapy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, hypnosis, homeopathy and radionics. She has traveled extensively learning and teaching. For the past 20 years she has devoted herself to researching various ways and methods of healing from psychological and physical ailments, as well as exploring the self and consciousness. An important part of his work is the study, practice and teaching of spiritual traditions such as Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, Taoism, Kabbalah, Kashmiri Shivaism, Shamanism and Chi Kung of various schools. He is the founder of Amrita, a school for expanding consciousness and self-awareness, and the creator of Free Flow, a transpersonal model of healing, growth and self-discovery. He is also the author of In the Shadow of the Sun, a meditation guide containing original koans and ideograms.

More about Michael: