Winter Yoga Retreat-Year End Rituals with Anastasia Biliri

In the silence of winter and the mountains of Pindos, we meet at the last New Moon of the year, from Wednesday 13 December to Sunday 17 December to close this year together.

Neda Yoga Shala's winter retreat will be hosted by Montanema Handmade Village in Agrafa, a beautiful eco-village set in a pristine forest landscape straight out of a fairy tale. The retreat will last 5 days to allow the time and space to really let go of the stress of the city and everyday life, to go deep within ourselves and to make a better inner transition from this year into a new cycle.

Our trip will include several hours of both introspection and extroversion. Aphonia, meditation, breathing and body exercises, mantra recitation and also singing, nature walks, socializing, beautiful meals, cooking classes and relaxation at the on-site spa. All of these will be our tools in a 5-day inner journey, where we take advantage of the internalization inspired by this serene place and deep winter and approach our Self with humility, presence, purity and enthusiasm.

The practice will be led by Anastasia Biliri.

The meals in the farm's kitchen with traditional Agrafiotiki recipes are all organic, local and seasonal and come mainly from the farm's garden or from local producers.

Students of all levels are welcome. Some practices will be more dynamic, but always with an emphasis on respecting each individual's limitations and any injuries. Participation in classes and activities is optional.



14:00 - Arrivals
18:30-20:00 Practice
20:15 Dinner


Day of silence, meditation and gentle practice

Opening Mauna (silence)
7:00-7:45 Morning Recitation Mantra
7:45-9:00 Asana & Pranayama
9:00-9:45am - 9:45am Meditation
10:00-10:45 Meditation

11:00-12:00 Brunch

12:00-15:00 Free time (rest, reading, walking, spa, etc.).
15:00-15:45 Meditation
16:00-17:00 Lunch

Start of fasting
17:00-17:45 Yoga Nidra
17:45-18:30 Meditation
18:30-20:00 Yin Yoga
20:00-20:45 Meditation

FRIDAY 15/12

6:30-7:00: Morning Recitation Mantra
7:00-8:30: Shatkarmas: Neti, Kunjal & Laghoo Shankhaprakshalana (nasal cleansing and bowel/stomach cleansing)
08:30-09:00 Salutation to the sun with mantra and visualization
09:00-10:45 Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation

End of Mauna (silence)
11:00 Brunch & Free time (rest, reading, walking, spa etc.)
16:00-17:00 Optional Cooking Lesson by Montanema (opening friend & traditional Agrafiotian pies)
17:00-19:15 Yin Yoga, Nada Yoga & Soundbath
19:30 Dinner
20:45-21:30 Evening meditation/Tratak
Opening Mauna (silence)


6:30-7:00: Morning Recitation Mantra
07:00-07:45 Salutation to the sun with vedic mantras
07:45-10:45 Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation, Meditation

End of Mauna (silence)
11:00 Brunch & Free time (rest, reading, walking, spa etc.)
16:00-17:15 Silent walking
17:15-19:15 Yoga Nidra & Kirtan
19:30 Dinner
20:45-21:30 Havan (fire ritual with mantra)

SUNDAY 17/12

06:30-10:00: Practice (asana, pranayama, chanting, meditation)
10:00-10:45: Kirtan
11:00 am - Brunch

Departures until 16:00


(Total tour cost - includes all meals (brunch & dinner), accommodation, yoga classes and activities)

4 nights/person:
- Double Single Room: 510€ (Early bird), 540€ (Late Bird)
- Triple room (house with one double and one single & 1 bathroom/lounge): 490€ (Early bird), 520€ (Late Bird)
- Quadruple (house with two doubles & 1 bathroom/lounge): 440€ (Early bird), 470€ (Late Bird)

It is possible to attend fewer days and at a reduced cost although it will be a much more complete experience if you manage to attend the whole seminar:

3 nights/person:
- Double Single Room: 410€ (Early bird), 440€ (Late Bird)
- Triple (house with one double and one single & 1 bathroom/lounge): 390€ (Early bird), 420€ (Late Bird)
- Quadruple (house with two doubles & 1 bathroom/lounge): 340€ (Early bird), 370€ (Late Bird)

Early Bird: bookings until Monday 23 October.

Late Bird: bookings from Tuesday 24 October onwards

-If you use the spa on site, there is an extra charge of 20€/day.

More information about Montanema Handmade Village: