Earth Element (Prithvi)

Prithvi Tattva – The element of earth

The element of Earth In the course of the manifestation of the world, the earth was the last and most solid element to be created. It includes anything that has the quality of stability and solidity. It is related to the pelvic region and the legs, as well as the Muladhara Chakra and Apana Vayu.

In the human nature on a physical level, it manifests in bones, skin, tissues, hair, etc.

On the mental level, earth is the stable, calm mind. But when it doesn't work properly, it can bring attachment to negative patterns and reactions, fixed views, sleepiness, etc.

On an energetic level, it relates to grounding, stillness and balance. It is the feeling of "I'm standing on my feet, I'm grounded, I'm stable, I'm here, I am well." When the earth element is unbalanced, we often feel "heavy" and tired, or resist change.

Emotionally, navigating life connected to a 'stable base' (physically, mentally etc), cultivates a sense of trust and consequently relaxation. Just as we let ourselves be in the warm embrace of our mother when we were babies, with that safety and security, so we begin to let go and relax in life.

Cultivating the earth element is essential for our evolution at all levels. As in nature, the more our roots spread and strengthen within the earth, the more we can grow and flourish.


I created you with primal instincts, so that you can evolve them and evolve your consciousness.
So that you are ready to face whatever needs to be faced. Because you can do EVERYTHING.
Be ready, but do not fear when that time will come. And when that time comes, be strong and don’t run away. Don’t go weak at the knees.
I gave you knees to use like springs. To fly when you need to, while your feet are on the EARTH.
I gave you 4 cardinal points, so that YOU know where you are and where you walk at every moment.
North, South, West and East.
Be your own compass in your journey.
Be your own rock of consciousness, steady. With clear and unclouded mind.
Perceive smells and enjoy good things in life. Know that it rains somewhere, just from the smell; perceive a fire from afar, without needing to see it.
But… you don’t have to be afraid.
You only need to be there.
Every moment.
I gave you feet, so that you can see them and remember that your soul is FREE.
And freedom is not when you leave.
It is when you stay, and fulfill your truth.
Every time you look at your feet from now on…
smile at them!
Because they are your “wings”!
Fly grounded to here and now!