Free Open Class Meditation Practices & Yoga Nidra with Ioanna Gourni

We welcome to our studio again this year the beloved Ioanna Gourni with the new and very beneficial for everyone online course: Yoga Nidra and Meditation Techniques which will be held every Tuesday & Thursday at 21:00-21:45. We invite you to a free trial class on Tuesday, September 10 at 21:00-21:45!

A few words from Joanna..

Every day we are called upon to play so many roles, to meet needs, to meet deadlines, to fit obligations and desires into a space-time that is getting smaller and smaller..
Our body is constantly called upon to maintain its equilibrium in a stressful environment, and as a result, it unconsciously suppresses its negative emotions in order to cope with the daily demands.

In order for our body to be able to rid itself of all the toxic biochemicals that have been released due to stress, the nervous system needs to go into parasympathetic mode and the conscious mind needs to anchor itself in the "Now". This temporary pause from thought gives the opportunity for Higher Consciousness to manifest - where everything is fluid and interconnected, and our lives are transformed into a field of infinite possibilities. 

In this course, yoga and energy psychology techniques such as mindful breathing, visualization, positive affirmations, tratak, pratipaksha bhavana, symbolic story telling, EFT and Yoga Nidra are used to bring the body-mind structure into the present, where awareness expands and brings about self-awareness, calm, balancing, purification and evolution.  

Rilke's words describe very poetically the magic of living in the now...

Being here is so much...

Read more about the class ➵

Booking for the online course via the ZOOM platform at