Free Yoga & Sound Class with Effie Psiachoulia
A very special class about Yoga and Sound starts at Neda Yoga Shala by our teacher and musician Efi Psiahoulia, with tools of body, voice and kora (African harp). The class will be held every Thursday at 17:00-18:25. The first class on Thursday 21 February will be free, and we invite you to come and try it out. It is aimed at all levels of students.
A few words from Effie:
We begin the class by finding a comfortable rhythm of movement within our asana practice. Then we will have the opportunity, accompanied by the kora (harp from West Africa), to feel the music and relax beautifully into it, connecting with the pulse and the melodic and rhythmic patterns. Finally, we will practice our voice, which we will treat as another tool for self exploration. In group singing we see our individuality as complementing the whole, as we feel part of a larger whole. Like asana practice, connecting with music brings us into the present. We connect with the vibration that happens in the present and is lost.
The kora, is the harp of West Africa, which traditionally accompanies the griot in their narratives and songs. The griot are the rapists of West Africa, oral "historians, genealogists, entertainers, cult singers..." and act as guardians of history.
Read more about Effie Psiachoulia.