Swadhisthana Chakra
From the mooladhara chakra, which is connected to our instinct for survival or even better, to our decision to live, and, having established a stable, grounded base, we can proceed to the second energy centre. That centre is the swadhisthana chakra, the sacred chakra.
The sacred chakra sits a bit above the pubic bone, around 2 fingers up from the root chakra, following the imaginary straight line of the spine. The corresponding spot on the front side of the body is situated a bit below the belly button.
The meaning of the term “swadhisthana” is derived from the words “swa”, which means “the self”, and “adhisthana” which is translated as “seat”. So, it can be interpreted as “the seat of the self”. It is known as the chakra of creativity.
As soon as a person resolves the issues related to survival, they move on to the phase of creation. We can see that by looking at a baby. When it is born, it is interested exclusively in receiving food, in order to feel safe and stand on its feet. But, it quickly transits into the phase where it starts playing and creating. It uses its whole body and mind to paint, to do crafts and to build castles on the sand. The driving creative force is desire. That’s the fundamental quality of the second energy centre.
Taking desire as the starting point, we connect the swadhisthana chakra to sexuality. The element that represents sexuality is water, and by extension, on the physical body, it is related to the various liquids and to the organs responsible for their production, circulation and storage, with the genitals playing the principal role.
Its colour is orange, since it is positioned between the red and the yellow chakra, and inside its lotus, there is a half-moon, surrounded by six petals. The corresponding Bija mantra, the vibration of which helps us be in harmony with the sacred chakra is Vam.
When this chakra is in balance, we see someone who enjoys life. They experience the emotions of excitement, joy and abundance. They form relationships and freely express their feelings. They are very well connected to their body and lead a healthy sexual life. In the opposite case, we see someone characterised by pessimism and destructive behaviours, and they are either completely surrendered to their desires, incapable of controlling them, or they completely ignore them.
Finally, let’s mention that the transit from the first energy centre which carries the stability of the earth, to the second centre which is connected to the motion of water requires that we get in touch with our feminine side, without guilt. That we allow ourselves the freedom to feel, and to express all that we feel, in every possible way.