Weekend Yoga Seminar with Alessandro Ortona

Our beloved teacher Alessandro Ortona is back to Neda Yoga Shala for another 2 day inspirational seminar.

A few words from Alessandro:

A retreat in town to explore with seriousness the content of the mind and the heart through the body. Separation is an illusion but a strong one, words can help only as decision maker but only experience has the taste of truth for the individual and that taste once tasted change radically the way one faces oneself. I will not spend many words or adjectives to say what will happen because the Tao of which you can speak about is not the real Tao… Om Prem.


Saturday 3/2 & Sunday 4/2

10:00 -14:00 Practice

14:00 – 15:00 Break

15:00 – 19:00 Practice


1 day: 30euros

2 days: 50euros