Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Maria Levantinou

Yin Chakra Therapy (70hrs)

"Yin Chakra Therapy" is Level B (70 hours) of the Certified** Yin Yoga Teacher Training (200 hours). We get in touch for the first time with the deep purification of the emotional content of the eight (8) core Chakras - Butha Suddhi, through authentic Yin sequences and meditative exercises specific to support teachers/teachers and students. We delve into a new healing approach to Yin, addressing our psycho-emotional level, applying methods to release our physical and emotional limitations.

We develop our energetic understanding through the teaching of Laya Yoga, gaining all the necessary tools for our personal evolution on the spiritual path, as well as creating a safe healing framework for our students.

* It is not necessary to attend Level A. Anyone interested has the option to attend this Level of the Training Program independently.

** The Curriculum is approved by Yoga Alliance International (Y.A.I 200 hrs).

What you will learn:

  • The 4 Basic Principles of Yin Practice
  • Techniques of conscious connection with the self and the environment
  • Techniques for recognizing and recording our emotions
  • Yin Yoga and the Chakras system
  • Authentic Yin sequences for each individual Chakra
  • Yin postures, activation and release of energy on a physical and emotional level
  • Yang practices for relaxing the emotional "shield"
  • The healing power of movement
  • Movement and emotional activation
  • Touch as a kinesthetic experience in Yin Yoga
  • The use of breathing in Yin as a means of releasing accumulated physical and emotional tension.
  • Storytelling - The use of stories in Yin Yoga

Physiology - Energy Anatomy

  • The teaching of Laya Yoga (Nadis, Adharas, Chakras and Bindus)
  • The Art of Purification of the Elements in the subtle centres of the body
  • Techniques of Energy Handling - Mudras & Bandhas


  • Deep Purification of the Emotional Content of the Eight (8) Basic Chakras - Butha Suddhi
  • Transmission of Meditative techniques to support and enhance the energy of the facilitators in their personal practice (active presence to understand and support their meditative experience even after the completion of the Training).
  • Learning of Meditative techniques addressed to the level of the trainees as well.
  • Mantra Yoga


  • Yin Yoga, the Art of Tradition
  • Spiritual Path, Personal Vision, Awareness and Reconnection

Who it is for:

  • Yoga teachers who wish to discover a new therapeutic approach to yoga through the connection of Yin Yoga with advanced Taoist techniques and methods of releasing physical and emotional limitations.
  • Experienced practitioners who wish to deepen their practice and study of deeply somatic and meditative techniques, understanding and enhancing their existing practice structure.
  • Dedicated students who wish to teach yoga, bringing their high level knowledge as well as experience to others.
  • Any person who wishes to open a new path to self understanding, growth and pleasure in the here and now.


  • 10-11 Februray
  • 17-18 Februray
  • 24-25 Februray

Saturdays 13:00-21:00 & Sundays 10:00-19:00

– Early bird (until 18/12): 593€
– Late Bird (after 18/12): 650€

On Sunday 3/12 at 19:00 there will be the Open Online Presentation of the Level 2 of the Certified Yin Yoga Teacher Training by Maria Levantinou and Michalis Mourtzis. In case you have any questions/questions and would like to participate, please let us know so we can send you the link.

The Teachers:

Maria Levantinou

Founder of “The School of Yin Yoga”. Mental Health Councelor in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Yin Yoga Teacher Training, I. Taoism, Anatomy and Sequencing, II. Embracing the Yin Path and III. Storytelling, Bahiranga Yoga Therapy Instructor Course, Nada Yoga Training, Instructor trained in Hatha Yoga following the Satyananda System, Personal Student of Diane Long, Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten, Mphil in Aesthetic Philosophy, BA in Theatre Studies.

Read more for Maria: https://yinyoga.gr/

Michalis Mourtzis​ MD (A.M.)

Michalis Mourtzis is an alternative healer, Doctor of Medicine in Alternative Medicines, MD (A.M.) and holds a degree in counselling and psychotherapy. He has studied and practices somatic psychotherapy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, hypnosis, homeopathy and radionics. She has traveled extensively learning and teaching. For the past 20 years she has devoted herself to researching various ways and methods of healing from psychological and physical ailments, as well as exploring the self and consciousness. An important part of his work is the study, practice and teaching of spiritual traditions such as Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, Taoism, Kabbalah, Kashmiri Shivaism, Shamanism and Chi Kung of various schools. He is the founder of Amrita, a school for expanding consciousness and self-awareness, and the creator of Free Flow, a transpersonal model of healing, growth and self-discovery. He is also the author of In the Shadow of the Sun, a meditation guide containing original koans and ideograms.

Read more for Michalis: https://www.amrita.gr/